Inhalt Was ist Forex Warum Handel Forex Wie man Trades for Profit Wie man das RISK PRECISELY 11 CRITICAL Schritte für Timing Einstieg und Exit Points Psychologie und Preis Aktion EXPOSED Sssshhh erzählen Sie niemandem über diese PLUS Meine Top 5 Tipps für ein erfolgreiches Trading Career Book Ihr freier Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za 3 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Schlacht getestete Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Bevor wir anfangen Wer zum Teufel ist Greg Secker Das ist mir auf der rechten Seite auf unserem Trading-Boden in London, England . Ich besitze die Multi-Millionen-Pfund-Knowledge to Action-Gruppe, die LiveTradingFloor und Traders University betreibt - die britische erste Multi-preisgekrönte private Trader Coaching-Unternehmen. Weve hatte über 50.000 Menschen an unseren verschiedenen Trading-Seminaren und Workshops, warum Weil das, was wir lehren, arbeiten Wir lehren Menschen wie Sie, wie man einen soliden Einkommen Handel der Aktien-und Währungsmärkte zu produzieren und über 90 dieser Menschen sind buchstäblich Anfänger oft mit weniger als 5000 Ich habe gelernt, wie man Forex zuerst handeln In der Tat war Forex immer meine erste Liebe und meine Hauptliebe. Alles begann Mitte der neunziger Jahre, nachdem ich an der Universität studiert hatte und schloss sich der Thomas Cook Financial Services Gruppe an, als junger, scharfsinniger (vielleicht ein wenig über eifriger) Junge aus der Schule und in ihre Technologieabteilung. Ich arbeitete hart und zeigte Eignung und erkannte schnell, dass das Geld, das an diesem Ort gemacht wurde, nicht das Urlaubsgeschäft war, sondern das lukrative Devisengeschäft. Und dann ein Twist des Schicksals passiert das Internet wurde immer beliebter, wollte die Welt online handeln und ich war in einem Projekt namens Virtual Trading Desk, die die weltweit erste Internet-basierte Forex Trading-Plattform, die Treasury Abteilungen über die Globus zu handeln in Forex auf Knopfdruck. Um dieses Projekt zu verwirklichen, musste ich alles über Foreign Exchange erfahren. Ich habe mit Händlern aus London, New York, Toronto, Australasien trainiert. Sie haben mich gelehrt, wie die Preise konstruiert wurden, was die Währungsbewegungen beeinflusst hat, wie sie den Fluss gehandelt haben, und einen kompletten Insider-Blick auf fundamentale Einflüsse, Nachrichten, Politik und natürlich technische (Charts). Ich habe Zeuge von Milliarden von Dollar und Millionen gemacht. Und ich verliebte mich in Forex Handel rechts dort und dann. Innerhalb von Monaten war ich aus der Technologie gezogen und ich lief die Forex Trading und Operations-Geschäft aus Toronto, Kanada für die Virtual Trading Desk. Das war eine solche Revolution in der Devisenwelt, wenn man sich an den Euro erinnert, war der ERM (Wechselkursmechanismus) alles zu kommen. Das war vor 2000 (und der Millennium-Bug). Wir waren so weit vor unserer Zeit, wir haben mehrere Auszeichnungen für diese Innovation - schlagen die Gleichen von fx und Charles Schwab hatten wir Echtzeit-Forex Trading und sonst noch. 4 Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Dieser frühe Erfolg in meiner Karriere, hat mich hooked on Trading Forex. Ich konnte sehen, was es tun konnte, ich war in Ehrfurcht vor der schiere Größe und Skala. Wenn der britische Aktienmarkt ein Planschbecken war, war dies der Atlantik. Wegen meines Erfolges mit dem virtuellen Trading Desk wurde ich bald von einer großen US-Bank verschoben (mein Unterzeichnungsbonus war mehr als mein Gehalt von meinem bisherigen Job und als Sie können sich vorstellen, meine Eltern waren ekstatisch). Ich war jetzt ein Vizepräsident im Devisengeschäft für eine große Investmentbank (Mellon Financial Corporation) in den Vereinigten Staaten, nicht schlecht für einen Mann in den frühen Zwanzigern Hier hatte ich das Glück, dass ich bei einigen der besten Händler arbeite In der Welt hatte ich exklusiven Zugang mit High Powered Forex Trader jeden Tag. Nicht die großen Namen (dh Soros, Buffet etc.) hören Sie verbreitet um das Internet und in den Medien - aber die echten Forex-Händler, die leise müde weg Tag für Tag, bringen in Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Vermögen für die Investment-Banken, proprietären Trading-Etagen Und Hedge-Fonds, für die sie arbeiten. Geld verdienen gedeihen - und es war zu dieser Zeit, dass ich auf ein Konzept stolperte, das zu einer vollständigen Verschiebung in meinem Denken führte. Bis zu diesem Punkt hatte ich hart gearbeitet, ich hatte Auszeichnungen für meine Abschlüsse an der Universität gewonnen und dort war ich bei 24 mit einem sechs-stelligen Gehalt und einer Vizepräsidentschaft in einer großen US-Bank, aber ich war (in meiner Sprache) ein Gehalt Sklave. Ja, ich hatte tolle Boni, ja ich hatte ein fantastisches Gehalt, aber Junge musste ich die Stunden in. Während die ganze Zeit, mein Trading Konto war mein Gehalt in eine Pulpe zu schlagen. Ich erkannte, dass ich, und die meisten Menschen leben in einer Welt, in der ZEIT GELD. Mit anderen Worten, je härter ich gearbeitet habe, desto mehr Geld habe ich gemacht. Bitten Sie jemanden, wie man ihr Einkommen vervierfacht und ihr Gehirn fragt Wie kann ich viermal härter arbeiten? Der Handel hat das alles für mich verändert. Ich habe nicht nur gelernt, wie man Geld handeln kann, aus meinen Jahren, die an den Handelsböden um die Welt arbeiten, habe ich meine Wahrnehmung von Geld, Reichtum und Zeit völlig verändert. Ich entdeckte, dass, wenn Sie lernen, erfolgreich zu handeln, Ihre Wahrnehmung von Geld für immer verändert. Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za 5 Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits durch Investieren und Trading (wo Ihr Geld funktioniert, während Sie nicht), erkannte ich, ich könnte exponentielle Einkommen und machen Dass in diesem Fall die Zeit überproportional mit dem Geld zusammenhängt. Ich erkannte, dass Geld Geld verdient und wann du das nicht einfach verstehst, aber du weißt das (was du es tust) Das Leben ändert sich, es nimmt buchstäblich neue Bedeutung an. Wie fühlst du dich leichter, weniger gestresst, weniger besorgt, anders etwas lässig - es ist wie der große Kampf vorbei. Also habe ich weiter gehandelt, neue Strategien erlernt und alles getestet, mit dem ich in Kontakt gekommen bin. Ich habe meine Strategien mit den Händlern bei der Arbeit, bei meiner Bank und bei anderen Banken bewiesen. Ich habe erkannt, dass die technische Analyse (Gießen über Charts) für Akademiker ist und dass Strategien (spezifische Regeln für das Betreten und Verlassen von profitable Trades) ist das, worum es bei dem Spiel geht. Hier war das Geld, und schon bald war mir klar, dass ich nicht mehr ein Gehaltssklave sein musste. Dont bekommst mich falsch, dies war nicht einfach, ich habe sicherlich die Narben (sowohl emotional als auch finanziell) und ich habe definitiv den harten Weg gelernt, zum Beispiel habe ich keine Schande, Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich sieben Trading-Konten auf dem Weg verbrannt habe. Wir alle haben unsere eigenen Reisen zu erleben, meine führte mich zu der Erkenntnis, dass ich versuchen könnte, diesen Markt zu spielen, oder ich könnte Strategien verwenden, die Profis nutzen und diese Arbeit. Ich erinnere mich an diesen fast jeden Tag. Wenn ich den Außenring einer britischen Pfund-Münze betrachte, liest die Inschrift auf den Schultern der Riesen. Die Worte stammen aus einem Brief, der 1676 von Isaac Newton an seinen Mitwissenschaftler Robert Hooke geschrieben wurde, und erkannte die Schuld, die er anderen verdankte, wenn ich weiter gesehen habe, wenn er auf den Schultern der Riesen steht, die schnellste und effizienteste Art und Weise Zum Erfolg ist, die Werkzeuge zu benutzen, die andere vor uns entdeckt haben und sie zu unserem Nutzen nutzen. Ich habe beschlossen, dass, wenn Sir Isaac Newton dies anerkennen kann, so kann ich. Das Latein ist nanos gigantum humeris insidentes Bedeutung: Einer, der künftige intellektuelle Verfolgungen entwickelt, indem er die Forschung und Werke, die von bemerkenswerten Denkern der Vergangenheit geschaffen wurden, 6 Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 an oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Tactics zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Nachdem ich offiziell aus der Arbeit bei 28 zurückgezogen habe, habe ich beschlossen, einen Trading Floor, von zu Hause aus. Seit jenen frühen Tagen habe ich leidenschaftlich die Geheimnisse mit allen geteilt, mit denen ich in Kontakt gekommen bin. Zuerst war es Freunde und Familie, aber bevor ich es wusste, hatte ich 17 Leute, die in meinem Haus auf meinem Wohnraum auf Laptops parkten, und Knowledge to Action wurde in nur 3 kurzen Monaten geboren. Mein Partner schlug vor, als ob ich so leidenschaftlich über die Lehre der Menschen zum Handel war, sollte ich die Schüler (den Kult) aus dem Haus ziehen und eine richtige Schule bilden und das ist genau das, was wir getan haben. Heute, nur fünf Jahre später habe ich auf fast allen wichtigen Marktkanälen wie CNBC und Bloomberg gesprochen. Ich habe auch die wichtigsten Investitionsveranstaltungen (IX, Euromoney und MasterInvestor, um nur einige zu nennen) und persönlich besitzen eine der leistungsstärksten privaten Handelsböden, die von der Financial Services Authority in London registriert und reguliert wird. Es beschäftigt Vollzeit-Händler, die die Strategien ausführen, die ich auf meinen Reisen um die Handelsböden der Welt entdeckt habe und die ich jetzt neuen Händlern verleihe, die sich verpflichtet haben, diese Arbeit auch für sie zu machen. Der Erfolg der Absolventen (die den Unterricht und vor allem das Coaching kombinieren) hat dazu geführt, dass man in zwei Büchern, in der Stadt von Sally Nicoll geschrieben wurde, wo ich die Autoren mit der Karriere umherging, und sie schreibt ihren Handelserfolg unserem Programm zu Und Instant Intuition von Anne Jirsch ein bekannter Psychiker, der meine außergewöhnlichen Handelsgewinne erforschte, um zu entdecken, ob es auf irgendeinem Gott basiert war, das gut gefühlt wurde oder wenig bekannte, aber einfach zu bedienende Strategien (Hinweis: es ist nicht das ehemalige) Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie an 0875 502 327 oder besuchen knowledgetoaction. co. za 7 Ich habe angeklagt, meine Forex Trading Taktik zu zeigen, um meine Absolventen Für die letzten fünf Jahre haben meine Studenten mit mir gelobt, um ihnen zu lehren, Forex zu handeln. Die meisten meiner Absolventen, die an meinem Traders University Programm teilgenommen haben, werden so fachmännisch im Handel, dass sie auf technische Analyse insgesamt aufgeben. Was ich damit meine, ist, dass sie nur Strategien handeln. Die Strategien für den Handel Aktien, die ich lehren, sind legendär, und wurden in Bestseller geschrieben, auf populäre Nachrichten-Programme und TV-Chat-Shows. Die Frage von meinen Absolventen zeigte uns die Strategien für den Handel Forex. Als ich mich hinsetzte, um zu schreiben, was ich in Forex mache, brauchte ich buchstäblich sechs Monate. Nach dem Abbau des Programms, so dass ein Laien es verstehen konnte, dauerte es noch sechs Monate. Schließlich wurde endgültige Forex beendet und die drei Strategien, nämlich: Ultimate Forex Pivots, Ultimate Forex Sniper Trade und der Forex Income Generator sind die drei kritischen Eckpfeiler bei der Schaffung eines Einkommens aus der Forex Märkte heute und die zentralen Strategien zu Ultimate Forex Now. Zum ersten Mal habe ich mich entschlossen, meine Eingeweide zu verschütten, wenn du den Ausdruck entschuldige. Bisher konnte nur eine kleine Gruppe auf diese Strategien zugreifen. Wir beschränken uns darauf, nur eine kleine Anzahl von Seminaren pro Jahr zu führen, und jeder, den wir unterrichten, unterzieht sich einem Live Trader Coaching-Programm, um sicherzustellen, dass sie beginnen und weiterhin erfolgreich handeln. So jetzt möchte ich, dass so viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt davon profitieren. In diesem Bericht nehme ich ein paar der wichtigsten Prinzipien, die ich gelernt habe und ich möchte sie mit Ihnen kostenlos teilen 8 Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za Ultimate Trading Secrets 7 Battle Tested Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Warum weil niemand sonst tut. Überprüfen Sie dies out. its true. Ich habe mich immer als Pionier angesehen. Ich war die erste Person, die professionelle 1-on-1 Trader-Coaching in Großbritannien zu bringen, bevor ich begann Trader Coaching gab es nur ein oder zwei Börsen-Trainings-Unternehmen kennen Sie die Bohrmaschine, eine Menge Hype und kleine Substanz. Ich habe die private Trader-Coaching-Branche in Großbritannien komplett revolutioniert und dafür erhielt ich kritische Beifall und ich habe die Niederlassung geschüttelt Ich war auch der erste (und immer nur) Trading-Pädagoge, um meinen Nacken auf den Block zu setzen, indem ich einen LIVE-Trading-Boden lasse Wir haben tatsächlich die tatsächlichen Handelskonten und Ergebnisse unserer Händler veröffentlicht. KEIN IST DIESES Warum in meiner ehrlichen Meinung sind die meisten Trainer nicht Händler, die Sie wissen, das Sprichwort, diejenigen, die können - und diejenigen, die nicht - lehren die meisten sind nur Verlage. Periode. Wir beweisen unsere Ergebnisse und wir haben jeden internationalen Benchmark geschlagen, seit wir angefangen haben. Es gibt keine Argumentation mit dem noch Wiesel werden whingen, whine und stöhnen. Was auch immer das wirklich aufregen wird. Denn ich gebe dir einige der besten Werkzeuge. FREI Ja, ich wette, youll Liebe, was ich dir beibringen muss KOSTENLOS. Im wette ich auch ein RAVING FAN. Und ich glaube wirklich eines Tages youll entweder an einem meiner Handelsereignisse an unserem Trading-Floor teilnehmen oder an einem privaten 1-on-1 Trader-Coaching-Programm teilnehmen, wie wir wissen, hier werden echte Ergebnisse gemacht. Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za 9 Forex Trading zahlt sich aus: Greg Seckers Projekt Aston Martin DB9S Allerdings, wenn Sie nur wollen, um die Werkzeuge kostenlos zu packen, hier in diesem Dokument vorgestellt. sei mein Gast. Im Ernst, keine Liebe verloren. Nimm sie mit meinem Segen und lege sie an deine Freunde weiter. Ich habe nichts zu verlieren. Wenn Sie ernsthaft an Ultimate Forex teilnehmen und Ihre Hand durch den Handelsprozess gehalten haben und tun, was ich tat STAND AUF DIE SCHULTER VON GIANTS - es gibt keinen Ersatz für ein einzelnes Trader-Coaching mit Strategien, wenn Sie es ernst meinen, ein sicheres Einkommen zu produzieren Stream und wollten schon immer genau wissen, wie man das richtig macht und konsequent dann mit meinem Team spricht und mich registriert habe. Ich garantiere dir, dass du nicht zurückschickst. Wie auch immer, ohne weiteres. Lasst uns STARTEN 10 Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za Was ist der Forex Markt Was ist die Aufregung alles über Der Devisenmarkt oder Forex oder Devisenmarkt ist buchstäblich der größte liquideste Markt in die Welt. Dies ist der Spielplatz des Millionärs und sogar Billionaire Trader. In Forex können Sie buchstäblich Millionen für sich selbst erstellen, wenn Sie richtige professionelle Handelsstrategien verwenden. Dieser Markt hat sowohl die Hebelwirkung und die Genauigkeit, um Ihre Trading Karriere zu verwandeln. Zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens der Forex Trades etwa 3 Billionen Dollar jeden Tag. Das ist mehr als jede einzelne Assetklasse kombiniert (d. H. Mehr als die Anleihe, Aktien, Aktienmärkte zusammen). Die schiere Größe dieses Marktes bedeutet, dass, im Gegensatz zu Handelsbeständen, können Sie ganz einfach Ihre Trades jederzeit ausführen und erhalten extrem enge Spreads auf Ihren Handel. Dies bedeutet, dass die Kosten für den Umgang ist niedrig und die auch desto mehr Sie handeln die Kosten bleibt fest, so anders als Aktien, wo Sie erwarten würde, dass der Preis um den größeren der Bestellung zu bewegen (wie Makler haben Quelle genug Lager für Sie zu handeln), die Forex Märkte sind völlig flüssig und deshalb sind aus diesem Grund allein Forex ist der selbstgewählte Marktplatz der Wahl des Millionär Trader, aufgrund seiner Geschwindigkeit, Effizienz, Transparenz und Klarheit des Signals. Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za 11 Was ist der Forex Markt Je mehr Menschen, desto besser das Signal. Für den Handel von Signalen und Strategien, um tatsächlich zu erarbeiten, brauchen wir viele Händler, um mit dem Signal einverstanden zu sein. Daher ist die Teilnahme wichtig, denn Forex ist der am meisten teilnehmende Markt in der Welt, können Sie sicher sein, dass die Signale sind die klarsten von jedem Markt. Wenn du jemals einen ill-liquid-Bestand in der Vergangenheit mit technischer Analyse gehandelt hast, wirst du genau wissen, was ich meine. Illiquid Stocks brauchen nur einen Teilnehmer, um ein ansonsten perfektes technisches Setup zu ruinieren. Aufgrund der Größe des Forex-Marktes, wird dieser Lärm von ein oder zwei Personen geglättet wegen der schiere Größe - wieder. Das bedeutet zuverlässige Signale. Die Macht kommt, wenn Ihre Handelsstrategien auf den Handel mit diesen klaren Signalen angewiesen sind. Was Sie unten sehen, ist ein Diagramm des EURUSD. Du siehst die Pivot-Zeilen unten an (sprich jetzt mehr über diese später), nur für jetzt bemerken, wie der Preis immer so genau von diesen Zeilen springt. Trading-Strategien, die funktionieren, sind diejenigen, die diese Art von klaren unbestreitbaren Handelssignale verwenden. 12 Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za Warum Handel Forex Der Markt, der niemals den Markt schläft, der niemals schläft Zuerst von allen, Zeit Ihre Zeit Dieses ist ein 24 Stunden Marktplatz, es schläft nie. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie handeln können, wenn Sie wollen. Wenn Sie ein Frühbucher sind, finden Sie Setups auf den Hauptwährungen um 7 Uhr. Wenn du eine Nachteule bist, findest du abends Setups. Der Punkt ist dies, Sie werden bald den Zeitrahmen und die Währungen zu überwachen und Sie legen die Trades, wenn Sie verfügbar sind. Auf Ultimate Forex Programm werden Sie entdecken, welche Strategien zu handeln und wann. Die meisten Händler denken, dass das große Geld gemacht wird, zu versuchen, Kopfhaut Forex nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit sein. Das große Geld wird in Forex durch die Einrichtung von End-of-Day-Handelsstrategien gemacht und lassen diese Positionen nur laufen und laufen und bringen Sie Hunderte und Tausende von Pips. Anders als die Börse der Forex-Markt nicht Lücke. Eine Lücke ist ein Raum auf einem Diagramm, wo kein Handel stattfindet, so dass buchstäblich ein physischer Leerraum auf dem Diagramm bleibt. Das ist gefährlich. Wenn Sie einige Aktien in einer Firma gekauft haben, um nur eine Woche später zu entdecken, dass das Unternehmen Probleme hat und eine Gewinnwarnung freigibt. Die Lücke könnte 10 sein, und es sei denn, Sie sind mit einem garantierten Stop-Loss Sie würde eine satte 10 Verlust auf den Handel zu nehmen. Nun ist dies bekannt, um Aktienhändler und es gilt als Marktrisiko. Im Forex-Markt existiert dieses Risiko jedoch nicht. Der Forex-Markt ist völlig nahtlos in anderen Worten, es gibt keine Lücken (außer von Freitag Abend bis Sonntag Abend, wenn es keine Trades gibt). Dies bedeutet, dass Sie den Markt ohne Unterbrechung handeln können, ohne die Angst, sich von Ihrem Handel zu befreien. Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za 13 Warum Trade Forex Schauen Sie sich die folgende Diagramm, in diesem Beispiel Investoren halten Yell Group hätte eine böse Überraschung, wenn sie gelernt, die Buchhaltung Fehler und die Lager Lücken haben Über 10 über Nacht. 14 Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za Warum Handel Forex Der Preis an, was Sie kaufen und verkaufen ist wichtig. Wenn es einen großen Unterschied zwischen dem gibt, was Sie kaufen, um etwas zu kaufen und es sofort wieder auf den Markt zu verkaufen, folgt nur, dass dies zu einem hohen Kosten des Handels beiträgt. In Aktien ist der Unterschied zwischen dem, was Sie kaufen und verkaufen können Ihre Aktien (die Ausbreitung) wird fast ausschließlich von Market Maker kontrolliert. Die Ausbreitung ändert sich oft, und ist ein Spiegelbild der Menge an Lager zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt zur Verfügung. Wenn es viele Käufer und Verkäufer dann klar das Handelsrisiko ist niedriger für den Broker und dies führt zu engeren Spreads an den Kunden. Schauen Sie sich das folgende Beispiel an. Sie können sehen, die Ausbreitung auf Greggs der Bäcker ist 80 Punkte. Das ist, weil Greggs nicht ein stark gehandeltes Lager ist (man bekommt nicht viele Leute, die eine Aktie kaufen, die 33 pro Aktie ist) und daher ist die Ausbreitung breit. Dies ist, weil Greggs nicht teilen ihre Aktie, will es langfristige Investoren, die Interesse an der Dividende, die es zahlt sich für die Lagerung der Aktie zu gewinnen. Ein Händler müsste dann 80 Punkte bezahlen, nur um in den Handel zu kommen. Um 10 Uhr bedeutet dies den Handel zu einem - 800 Verlust nur auf Handelseintrag. Stock-Beispiel - Spread ist 80 Punkte Greggs Mon Täglich Cash Rolling Forex Beispiel - Spread ist 3 Punkte EURUSD Mon Täglich Cash Rolling GBPUSD Mon Täglich Cash Rolling 1.4329 1.8091 1.4332 1.8094 -0.0285 -0.0353 08:28 08:28 3309.98 3390.03 38.51 08:25 Jedoch Im Forex-Markt ist die Ausbreitung von Marktbedingungen nicht betroffen. Die Ausbreitung ist immer fixiert, also weißt du immer genau, welche Preise du dir behandelst. Warum gibt es, wie gesagt, keine Größenbeschränkungen in den Forex-Märkten. Buchen Sie Ihren freien Platz jetzt Rufen Sie 0875 502 327 oder besuchen Sie knowtoaction. co. za 15 Noch keine KommentareContents Was ist Forex Warum Trade Forex Wie man Trades for Profit Wie man das RISK PRECISELY 11 CRITICAL Schritte für Timing Einstieg und Exit Points Psychologie und Preis Aktion EXPOSED Sssshhh Dont JEDER JEDER ÜBER DIESE PLUS Meine Top 5 Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Trading Karriere in Kürze: Die ultimative Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programm Die komplette Forex Income Kit Strategien enthalten Copyright 2010 Greg Secker und Knowledge To Action Ltd Ultimate Forex Trading Secrets 7 Schlacht getestet Taktik zu UNLIMITED Trading Profits Bevor wir loslegen. Wer zum Teufel ist Greg Secker Das ist mir auf der rechten Seite auf unserem Trading Floor in London, England. Ich besitze die Multi-Millionen-Pfund-Knowledge to Action-Gruppe, die LiveTradingFloor und Traders University betreibt - die britische erste Multi-preisgekrönte private Trader Coaching-Unternehmen. Weve hatte über 50.000 Menschen an unseren verschiedenen Trading-Seminaren und Workshops, warum Weil das, was wir lehren, arbeiten Wir lehren Menschen wie Sie, wie man ein solides Einkommen Handel der Aktien-und Devisenmärkte zu produzieren und über 90 dieser Menschen sind buchstäblich Anfänger oft mit weniger als 5000 Ich habe gelernt, wie man Forex zuerst handeln In der Tat war Forex immer meine erste Liebe und meine Hauptliebe. Alles begann Mitte der neunziger Jahre, nachdem ich an der Universität studiert hatte und schloss sich der Thomas Cook Financial Services Gruppe an, als junger, scharfsinniger (vielleicht ein wenig über eifriger) Junge aus der Schule und in ihre Technologieabteilung. Ich arbeitete hart und zeigte Eignung und erkannte schnell, dass das Geld, das an diesem Ort gemacht wurde, nicht das Urlaubsgeschäft war, sondern das lukrative Devisengeschäft. Und dann ein Twist des Schicksals passiert das Internet wurde immer beliebter, wollte die Welt online handeln und ich war in einem Projekt namens Virtual Trading Desk, die die weltweit erste Internet-basierte Forex Trading-Plattform, die Treasury Abteilungen über die Globus zu handeln in Forex auf Knopfdruck. Um dieses Projekt zu verwirklichen, musste ich alles über Foreign Exchange lernen. Ich habe mit Händlern aus London, New York, Toronto, Coming Soon trainiert: Die ultimative Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programm Die Complete Forex Income Kit Strategien enthalten Copyright 2010 Greg Secker und Knowledge To Action Ltd Australasien. Sie haben mich gelehrt, wie die Preise konstruiert wurden, was die Währungsbewegungen beeinflusst hat, wie sie den Fluss gehandelt haben, und einen kompletten Insider-Blick auf fundamentale Einflüsse, Nachrichten, Politik und natürlich technische (Charts). Ich habe Zeuge von Milliarden von Dollar und Millionen gemacht. Und ich verliebte mich in Forex Handel rechts dort und dann. Innerhalb von Monaten war ich aus der Technologie gezogen und ich lief die Forex Trading und Operations-Geschäft aus Toronto, Kanada für die Virtual Trading Desk. Das war eine solche Revolution in der Devisenwelt, wenn man sich an den Euro erinnert, war der ERM (Wechselkursmechanismus) alles zu kommen. Das war vor 2000 (und der Millennium-Bug). Wir waren so weit vor unserer Zeit, wir haben mehrere Auszeichnungen für diese Innovation - schlagen die gerne von arclays und Charles Schwab wir hatten Real Time Forex Trading und sonst noch. In Kürze: Die ultimative Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programm Die komplette Forex Income Kit Strategien enthalten Copyright 2010 Greg Secker und Knowledge To Action Ltd Dieser frühe Erfolg in meiner Karriere, hat mich hooked on Trading Forex. Ich konnte sehen, was es tun konnte, ich war in Ehrfurcht vor der schiere Größe und Skala. Wenn der britische Aktienmarkt ein Planschbecken war, war dies der Atlantik. Wegen meines Erfolges mit dem virtuellen Trading Desk wurde ich bald von einer großen US-Bank verschoben (mein Unterzeichnungsbonus war mehr als mein Gehalt von meinem bisherigen Job und als Sie können sich vorstellen, meine Eltern waren ekstatisch). Ich war jetzt ein Vizepräsident im Devisengeschäft für eine große Investmentbank (Mellon Financial Corporation) in den Vereinigten Staaten, nicht schlecht für einen Mann in den frühen Zwanzigern Hier hatte ich das Glück, dass ich bei einigen der besten Händler arbeite In der Welt hatte ich exklusiven Zugang mit High Powered Forex Trader jeden Tag. Nicht die großen Namen (dh Soros, Buffet etc.) hören Sie verbreitet um das Internet und in den Medien - aber die echten Forex-Händler, die leise müde weg Tag für Tag, bringen in Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Vermögen für die Investment-Banken, proprietären Trading-Etagen Und Hedge-Fonds, für die sie arbeiten. Geld verdienen gedeihen - und es war zu dieser Zeit, dass ich auf ein Konzept stolperte, das zu einer vollständigen Verschiebung in meinem Denken führte. Bis zu diesem Punkt hatte ich hart gearbeitet, ich hatte Auszeichnungen für meine Abschlüsse an der Universität gewonnen und da war ich bei 24 mit einem sechs-stelligen Gehalt und einem Vizepräsident in einer großen US-Bank, aber ich war (in meiner Sprache) ein Gehaltssklave. Ja, ich hatte tolle Boni, ja ich hatte ein fantastisches Gehalt, aber Junge musste ich die Stunden in. Während die ganze Zeit, mein Trading Konto war mein Gehalt in eine Pulpe zu schlagen. Ich erkannte, dass ich, und die meisten Menschen leben in einer Welt, in der ZEIT GELD. Mit anderen Worten, je härter ich gearbeitet habe, desto mehr Geld habe ich gemacht. Bitten Sie jemanden, wie man ihr Einkommen vervierfacht und ihr Gehirn fragt Wie kann ich viermal härter arbeiten? Der Handel hat das alles für mich verändert. Ich habe nicht nur gelernt, wie man Geld handeln kann, aus meinen Jahren, die an den Handelsböden um die Welt arbeiten, habe ich meine Wahrnehmung von Geld, Reichtum und Zeit völlig verändert. Ich entdeckte, dass, wenn Sie lernen, wie man erfolgreich zu handeln, Ihre Wahrnehmung von Coming Soon: Die ultimative Forex Profits Home Study DVD-Programm Die komplette Forex Income Kit Strategien enthalten Copyright 2010 Greg Secker und Knowledge To Action Ltd Geld ändert sich für immer. Durch Investieren und Handel (wo Ihr Geld funktioniert, während Sie nicht), erkannte ich, dass ich exponentielle Einkommen machen könnte und dass in diesem Fall Zeit ist überproportional mit Geld verbunden. Ich erkannte, dass Geld Geld verdient und wann du das nicht einfach verstehst, aber du weißt das (was du es tust) Das Leben ändert sich, es nimmt buchstäblich neue Bedeutung an. Wie fühlst du dich leichter, weniger gestresst, weniger besorgt, anders etwas lässig - es ist wie der große Kampf vorbei. Also habe ich weiter gehandelt, neue Strategien erlernt und alles getestet, mit dem ich in Kontakt gekommen bin. Ich habe meine Strategien mit den Händlern bei der Arbeit, bei meiner Bank und bei anderen Banken bewiesen. Ich habe erkannt, dass die technische Analyse (Gießen über Charts) für Akademiker ist und dass Strategien (spezifische Regeln für das Betreten und Verlassen von profitable Trades) ist das, worum es bei dem Spiel geht. Hier war das Geld, und schon bald war mir klar, dass ich nicht mehr ein Gehaltssklave sein musste. Dont bekommst mich falsch, dies war nicht einfach, ich habe sicherlich die Narben (sowohl emotional als auch finanziell) und ich habe definitiv den harten Weg gelernt, zum Beispiel habe ich keine Schande, Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich sieben Trading-Konten auf dem Weg verbrannt habe. Wir alle haben unsere eigenen Reisen zu erleben, meine führte mich zu der Erkenntnis, dass ich versuchen könnte, diesen Markt zu spielen, oder ich könnte Strategien verwenden, die Profis nutzen und diese Arbeit. Ich erinnere mich an diesen fast jeden Tag. Wenn ich den Außenring einer britischen Münze mit zwei Pfund betrachte, liest die Inschrift auf den Schultern der Giants. Die Worte stammen aus einem Brief, der 1676 von Isaac Newton an seinen Mitwissenschaftler Robert Hooke geschrieben wurde und die Schuld, die er schuldete, anerkannte Andere, wenn ich weiter gesehen habe, ist es, auf den Schultern der Riesen zu stehen. Der schnellste und effizienteste Weg zum Erfolg ist, die Werkzeuge zu benutzen, die andere vor uns entdeckt haben und sie zu unserem Nutzen nutzen. Ich habe beschlossen, dass, wenn Sir Isaac Newton dies anerkennen kann, so kann ich. Das Latein ist nanos gigantum humeris insidentes Bedeutung. Einer, der künftige intellektuelle Verfolgungen durch das Verständnis der Forschung und Werke, die von bemerkenswerten Coming Soon: Die ultimative Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programm Die komplette Forex Income Kit Strategien enthalten Copyright 2010 Greg Secker und Knowledge To Action Ltd Denker der Vergangenheit. Nachdem ich mich offiziell aus der Arbeit bei 28 zurückgezogen habe, habe ich mich entschlossen, einen Trading-Boden zu gründen. Seit jenen frühen Tagen habe ich leidenschaftlich die Geheimnisse mit allen geteilt, mit denen ich in Kontakt gekommen bin. Zuerst war es Freunde und Familie, aber bevor ich es wusste, hatte ich 17 Leute, die in meinem Haus auf meinem Wohnraum aufzog, und Wissen zu Action wurde in nur 3 kurzen Monaten geboren. Mein Partner schlug vor, als ob ich so leidenschaftlich über die Lehre der Menschen zum Handel war, sollte ich die Schüler (den Kult) aus dem Haus ziehen und eine richtige Schule bilden und das ist genau das, was wir getan haben. Heute, nur fünf Jahre später habe ich auf fast allen wichtigen Marktkanälen wie CNBC und Bloomberg gesprochen. Ich habe auch die wichtigsten Investitionsveranstaltungen (IX, Euromoney und Master-Investor, um nur einige zu nennen) und persönlich besitzen eine der höchstmöglichen privaten Handelsböden in London. Es beschäftigt Vollzeit-Händler, die die Strategien ausführen, die ich auf meinen Reisen um die Handelsböden der Welt entdeckt habe und die ich jetzt neuen Händlern verleihe, die sich verpflichtet haben, diese Arbeit auch für sie zu machen. Im regelmäßig eingeladen, neben renommierten Persönlichkeiten wie Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), T Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) und zuletzt Tony Blair (Premierminister, Großbritannien 1997-2007) zu sprechen. Meine jüngsten Sprechen Engagements gehören Lehre an der Anthony Robbins Wealth Mastery Rogramm und The National Achievers Kongress in Asien. In Kürze: Die ultimative Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programm Die Complete Forex Income Kit Strategien enthalten Copyright 2010 Greg Secker und Knowledge To Action Ltd Der Erfolg der Absolventen (die Unterricht kombinieren, und vor allem Coaching) hat dazu geführt, dass in zwei geschrieben werden Bücher: Bets in der Stadt von Sally Nicoll, wo ich die Autoren Handel Karriere um, und sie schreibt ihren Handel Erfolg zu unserem Programm Instant Intuition von Anne Jirsch ein bekannter Psychiker, der meine außergewöhnlichen Handelsgewinne erforscht, um zu entdecken, ob es auf einigen basiert Gott ist gefühlt, um meine Forex Trading Taktik zu meinen Absolventen zu zeigen. In den letzten fünf Jahren haben meine Schüler mit mir gelobt, sie zu unterrichten. Deutsch: www. germnews. de/archive/gn/1995/04/25.html Handel Forex. Die meisten meiner Absolventen, die an meinem Traders University Programm teilgenommen haben, werden so fachmännisch im Handel, dass sie auf technische Analyse insgesamt aufgeben. Was ich damit meine, ist, dass sie nur Strategien handeln. Die Strategien für den Handel Aktien, die ich lehren, sind legendär, und wurden in Bestseller geschrieben, auf populäre Nachrichten-Programme und TV-Chat-Shows. Die Frage von meinen Absolventen zeigte uns die Strategien für den Handel Forex. Als ich mich hinsetzte, um zu schreiben, was ich in Forex mache, brauchte ich buchstäblich sechs Monate. Nach dem Abbau des Programms, so dass ein Laien es verstehen konnte, dauerte es noch sechs Monate. Endlich war der endgültige Forex fertig und die drei Strategien, nämlich: Ultimate Forex Pivots, Ultimate Forex Sniper Trade und der Forex Income Generator sind die drei kritischen Eckpfeiler bei der Schaffung eines Einkommens aus den Forex Märkten heute und die zentralen Strategien zu Ultimate Forex Coming Soon: Die Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd Now. For the first time ever I have decided to spill my guts if youll excuse the expression. Up until now, only a small group have been able to access these strategies. We restrict ourselves to running only a small number of seminars per year, and everyone we teach undergoes a Live trader coaching programme to ensure they start and continue to trade successfully. So now, I want as many people around the world to benefit from this. In this report I am taking a few of the most important principles that I have learned and I want to share them with you FOR FREE Why - Because no-one else does. Check this out. its true. I have always regarded myself as a pioneer. I was the first person to bring professional 1-on-1 trader coaching to the UK before I started trader coaching there were just one or two stock market training companies you know the drill, a lot of hype and little substance. I have completely revolutionised the private trader coaching industry in the UK and for this I received critical acclaim and Ive shaken the establishment I was also the first (and still only) trading educator to put my neck on the block by launching a LIVE trading floor where we actually published the actual trading accounts and results of our traders. Coming Soon: The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd NO ONE DOES THIS. Why In my honest opinion, most trainers are not traders you know the adage, those who can - do, and those who cant - teach Most are just publishers. Period. We prove our results and we have beaten every international benchmark since we started. There is no arguing with that still weasels will whinge, whine and moan. Whatever This will really upset them..because I am giving you some of the best tools..FOR FREE Yes - I am betting youll love what I have to teach youFOR FREE. Im also betting youll become a RAVING FAN. and I truly believe one day youll either attend one of my trading events at our trading floor or participate in a private 1-on-1 trader coaching programme as we know, this is where REAL results are made. However, if you just want to grab the tools for FREE, presented here in this document. be my guest. Seriously, no love lost. Take them with my blessing and pass them on to your friends. I have nothing to lose. If you are serious attend Ultimate Forex and have your hand held through the trading process and do what I did STAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR LIVE ONE ON ONE TRADER COACHING WITH STRATEGIES - if you are serious about producing a secure income stream and have always wanted to know exactly how to do this properly and consistently then speak to my team and get registered I guarantee you will not look back. any waywithout further ado. lets get STARTED Forex Trading Pays Off: Greg Seckers Project Aston Martin DB9S Coming Soon: The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd What is the Forex Market What is the fuss all about The Foreign Exchange market, or Forex or FX Market is literally the largest most liquid market place in the world. This is the playground of the Millionaire and even Billionaire trader. In Forex you can literally create millions for yourself, if you use proper professional trading strategies. This marketplace has both the leverage and the accuracy to transform your trading career. At time of writing the Forex trades about 3 trillion dollars every single day. Thats more than the every single asset class combined (i. e. more than the bond, stock, equity markets together). The sheer size of this marketplace means that, unlike trading stocks, you can easily execute your trades at any time and get extremely tight spreads on your trading. This means the cost of dealing is low and the also the more you trade the cost stays fixed so unlike stocks where you would expect the price to move the larger the order (as brokers have to source enough stock for you to trade), the Forex markets are completely liquid and therefore are For this reason alone, Forex is the self-selected marketplace of choice of the Millionaire trader, due to its speed, efficiency, transparency and clarity of signal. Coming Soon: The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd The More People, the Better the Signal. For trading signals and strategies to actually work out, we need lots of traders to be agreeing with the signal. Therefore participation is key Given that Forex is the most participated market in the world, you can be sure that the signals are the clearest of any marketplace. If you have ever traded an ill-liquid stock in the past using technical analysis you will know exactly what i mean. Illiquid stocks only need one participant to ruin an otherwise perfect technical setup. Due to magnitude of the Forex market, this noise from one or two individuals is smoothed out because of the sheer size - again. This translates into reliable signals. The power comes when your trading strategies are reliant on trading these clear signals. What you are looking at below is a chart of the EURUSD. You are looking at Pivot lines below (well talk more about these later on), just for now notice how the price bounces ever so accurately off these lines. Trading Strategies that work, are those which use these type of clear undeniable trading signals. Coming Soon: The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd Why Trade Forex The Market that Never Sleeps First of all, time your time This is a 24 hour marketplace, it never sleeps. This means that you can trade when you want. If you are an early bird, you will find setups on the major currencies at 7am. If you are a night owl, youll find setups in the evening. The point is this, you will soon find the time frame and the currencies to monitor and you place the trades when you are available. On Ultimate Forex programme you will discover which strategies to trade and when. Most traders think that the big money is made trying to scalp Forex nothing could be further from the truth. The big money is made in Forex by setting up end-of-day trading strategies and letting these positions just run and run and bring you hundreds and thousands of pips. There are NO Gaps in the Forex market Unlike the Stock market the Forex market does not gap. A gap is a space on a chart where no trading takes place, leaving literally a physical white space on the chart. This is dangerous. If you have bought some shares in a company only to discover a week later that the company is having problems and releases a profit warning. The gap could be 10, and unless you are using a guaranteed stop loss you would take a whopping 10 loss on the trade. Now this is well known to stock traders and it is considered market risk. However, in the Forex market this risk does not exist. The Forex market is completely seamless in other words there are no gaps (except from Friday evening to Sunday evening when there are no trades). This means you can trade the market non-stop without the fear of getting gapped-out of your trade. Look at the following diagram, in this example investors holding Yell Group would have got a nasty surprise when they learned of the accounting blunders and the stock gaps down over 10 overnight. Coming Soon: The Ultimate Forex Profits Home Study DVD Programme The Complete Forex Income Kit Strategies included Copyright 2010 Greg Secker and Knowledge To Action Ltd no comments yetMentored by a Trading Multi-Millionaire your limited chance to trade alongside Vince Stanzione and learn as you earn. Only 47 Apprentice Traders Will Be Selected To Be Privately Mentored By Multi Millionaire Financial Trader Vince Stanzione. . And those select 47 traders will soon be making an extra 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 each week . The question is -- will you be one of them If you get back to me fast enough and meet a few simple conditions Ill take you under my wing and MENTOR you through my BRAND NEW proprietary arrow trading strategies PLUS IF YOU ARE QUICK I will reserve you a place at my Exclusive Financial Trading Lunch in London where you will see me trade live. If you would like to pocket an extra 1,000, 3,000. 5,000 each week from the financial market even if you have zero trading experience, no knowledge and virtually no time at all then this letter will show you how you can watch and learn as I trade my personal multi-million pound trading account. I will also reveal why the Bruce Lee JeetKune Do principles have revolutionised my trading results and why I consistently make money regardless of the market conditions. But first, heres something important you should know Over the last decade I have made a multi-million fortune by trading and investing in financial markets. This has all been well documented. I employ no staff, have no offices, no specialist equipment and I work, if thats the right word, from anywhere I choose and on most days I spend less than 30 minutes a day. I have no dress code most days I wear no shoes. I dont do meetings, I dont speak to anyone I dont want to, I have no red tape or have to deal with bureaucrats and I dont have to do business with people if I dont like them. From the outside you may say I am a social and academic drop out, yet my average earnings are very substantial and made me a multi-millionaire. Regardless of the whether the market is booming or crashing I have made money. In the last 3 years my average weekly profit has been: 71,400 per week that is around 48,900 per WEEK, YES I did say per WEEK and I know many donrsquot make 48,900 a year never mind about a week and thatrsquos slogging away at a soulless job were as I made my money from anywhere in the world I decide but more about that shortly. And whilst I donrsquot claim this happens every day take a look at how much I made in one day recently - 212,730.70 over 144,000.00 (see day change) Itrsquos time to join the winners club There is always a winner and a loser in financial markets and should you become part of my program, you can be part of the small but elite group that profits from opportunities like this. Of course I also make plenty from markets moving up as well. My market calls are well documented including the now famous call that the Dow Jones would hit 14200 in the first half of 2013 which I made back in September 2011 and was laughed at of course I was proved right and in fact we went over 18,000. In 2012 when Oil was trading at 110 I said Oil should be nearer 50 everyone laughed and made fun of the call, I received 2078 comments nearly all negative well at the end of 2014 oil hit 43 and I made a fortune from that call. Here is my September 2012 call on Oi l This is about YOU not me What I show you in this letter is not to boast or impress you, but to give you an idea of what is possible. This letter is not about me, its about YOU and how you can build up your own fortune, and more importantly, financial freedom. As impressive as making massive weekly gains from anywhere in the world may sound, its not the money that was ever important to me - it was getting the FREEDOM. As the old saying goes, you dont want to buy a hair growth tonic from a bald man and you dont want to learn to trade and invest in financial markets from someone who has not achieved self-made multi-millionaire status. I have been in this business for over 30 years and have been featured favourably and quoted in over 200 newspapers, media outlets and websites including CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Marketwatch, Reuters, Independent, Sunday Independent, Observer, Guardian, The Times, Sunday Times, Daily Express, What Investments, Growth Company Investor, New York Times, Bullbearings, City Magazine, Canary Wharf, Institutional Investor China, UAE The National and Shares Magazine, just to name a few. My point is that I have not just crawled from under a rock. I am not some here today, gone tomorrow, quick-buck merchant. My book The Millionaire Dropout published by Wiley went straight to 4 in The New York Times Bestseller list in June 2013 for business books. The program which I am inviting to you to be part of started in 2007 and has made money every year, through what many say has been the hardest trading years in recent history. Prior to 2007, I have taught men and women from all over the globe and my personal trading account has made money every single year for the last 18 years. Of course, I have losing weeks and months, but I have never had a losing year. Take for example whats happened to John Turner : After an amazing few months and since my original attendance at your trading day, I have made over 50,000.00 I wanted to take a couple of minutes to thank you for all your help and advice. I always thought your comments sounded too good to be true, however, the results when I finally took the plunge and attended your course, have been incredible and I am most grateful to you for your persistence and for all you that you have taught me since. Many thanks and best regards. (John Turner) Or see what Lorna Holmes and David Prydi had to say about the workshop: Wow What can I say that was a MIND-BLOWING day on Friday. Dave and I thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience. The last hour was absolutely amazing. It is awesome to think that you made in a few minutes twice what Dave makes working an 83 hour week. You cant imagine what these extra earnings will mean to our company. Dave and I thank you once again for a fantastically informative day. (Lorna Holmes and David Prydi) . Then there was Chris Muldon . I have had a great year and am up 230K to the 11th July when I closed 90 of my trades and went to New Zealand . I have only started back trading today, and I feel more relaxed and more confident than ever. (Chris Muldon) . And lets not forget Ajit Singh from Leicester . I went from knowing little about trading at 9.30am Friday to making just over 5,000 total profit tax-free by the close of business on Monday to say I am delighted is an understatement. Attending this event was the most profitable and rewarding thing I have ever done. (Ajit Singh) . I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Its important to note that none the above had trading experience before they became my students they all came from non-investing or trading backgrounds, but were involved in professions and being business owners such as vets, dentists, doctors, accountants, florist owner, London back cab driver, farmer, BA pilot, lawyers, and even a gentleman that owns a remote salmon fish farm. Jean Albert 87 year old trading student with Vince Stanzione But dont take my word for it listen to what my clients have to say - below actual recent client video testimonials Why this is different I come from the school of hard knocks. I am not scared of taking the opposite view to the crowd or making hard decisions. I am not commissioned by bookmakers or brokers and I am results driven and tell you how it really is, even if sometimes you dont want to hear it. I quickly learnt that if you do what everyone else does, you will get the same results and as 90 of traders and investors dont make money and that includes all the so called professionals, I did not want to be with the masses. Jim Rogers co funder of Quantum Fund with George Soros and Rogers Raw Materials Index And here is what Jim Rogers said: I cannot do what Vince does he is a shorter term trader, I am a longer term person. But if you combine what he does and I do then my goodness, you will become extremely successful and one day we will come and work for you By the way, you dont have to be based in the UK to do this (I am not) and although I have stated my earnings in Pounds, you can easily be earning the same in Euros, US, Australian Dollars, Swiss Francs, South African Rand or any major currency. And the real beauty of what Im going to show you today is that you can continue to make thousands a week wherever you are in the world. But before we go further let me ask you a question. Do you think it would be easier for you to reach your financial goals if you had a personal mentor Someone who had amassed a multi-million pound fortune, starting with nothing and who was prepared to stand by your side until YOU achieved your goals as well Imagine you could ask that person ANY question you liked and they would tell you the real, bottom line truth. If you were struggling, theyd be there with their years of wisdom, experience and raw money-making know-how to show you the way. If you were lost or confused, like a close friend, your mentor would be by your side to set you straight. Yes, there are books, manuals and DVDs a-plenty. But after youve handed over your cash to the gurus selling their wares all offering to teach you how to get rich are the authors around to answer tricky questions Or have they long vanished I think you know the answer. The harsh truth is that virtually nobody who has made serious money is willing to make themselves available to those who are just starting on the first rung of the ladder. Until now For the last 9 years, I have mentored my members personally, sharing my own trades and investments, explaining my techniques and answering questions and emails personally. Every member has my personal email details. My members also get access to my 30 years of contacts which span the globe and are able to see my own trades. The secrets of making money in financial markets Many try to complicate this business they like to use jargon or appear important. I am sure you have seen these gurus on business channels, but the truth is, most of them dont have a pot to piss in. The may manage billions of other peoples money, but they have no skin in the game. I dont take a penny of investment capital from anyone else, I genuinely trade and invest my own account(s) and I eat my own cooking. And yes that is almost 16 million US and the current open positions are up over US 2 million. Would you like to be my Private Student for the next 12 months and trade alongside me from the comfort of your home Would you like me to show you how to earn a very large INCOME from Financial Trading and trading other financial products using this system a system which Ive used and perfected over the last ten years and which Ive personally used to make a personal fortune Would you like me to be your Personal Mentor If you do, youll need access to the Internet and about 20-30 minutes spare each day to follow some simple steps. And dont worry if you know little or nothing about Internet Financial Trading. Youll need absolutely NO Experience NO Job (thats a great Job description in itself) Spend Most of the Year Holidaying or Travelling the World Spend Less than 30 minutes a day trading financial markets on your handheld computer from the beach or in the middle of the sea on a Yacht. My average work week is less than 4 hours Yet my income puts me in the worlds richest 1. But maybe best of all TOTAL FREEDOM. Why work all your life in a job you dont even like, when life could be so much more relaxing for you Imagine the kind of incredible lifestyle that could give you and your family, a lifestyle where you no longer have to work and where you can spend most the year holidaying or travelling the world. I know it may seem amazing but I speak from personal experience . I literally do this exact thing myself. For years, we have been taught that work is something you have to do so you can do what you really want while you are not working. I do what I want with my life. I might travel, relax, read, shop, walk with my dog (more like the dog walks me), go sailing - I guess anything I feel like, really. And I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it is to have your life handed back to you like that to have that kind of FREEDOM to literally be able do what YOU want when YOU want. Internet Financial Trading gives you the ability to make more money in a month lounging around in the Maldives, than you currently make working a whole year now. As Ive said, I have banked a multi-million fortune in the last 15 years alone from what I am about to give you the chance to use yourself. Yet, as Ive also mentioned, its only taken me 20 to 30 minutes a day to do and as long as you have internet access, you can run it from virtually anywhere in the world. On a yacht in the Caribbean sitting on a beach in the Maldives in a luxury 5 star hotel suite in Auckland, New Zealand ANYWHERE In fact, if I had been soaking up the sun on some exotic South Pacific Island for the last 12 months, as long as I had access to the Internet, I would have still banked a great income using nothing more than my computer or iPad. Even If You Are Detached From Planet Earth Take for example the time I went to Singapore. The flight to Singapore was about 13 hours long. And whilst enjoying the Singapore Airlines Business Class service I watched a film enjoyed a great meal and well slept for most of the flight, thanks to the flat beds. Nothing particularly interesting about that. Flying Singapore Airlines Award Winning Business Class sure beats Economy Except. except. that from the time of take-off from Barcelona on flight SQ377 to the time of landing at Singapore Changi (approximately 13 hours later) I Banked 21,677.00 in Tax-Free Profits While Up in the Air 21,677.00 is probably more than the pilot, co-pilot and entire cabin crew were paid for that flight. COMBINED How would you enjoy a lifestyle which gave you that kind of freedom Where you could literally jet-off whenever you pleased, say to the Cook Islands and then onto New Zealand to Hawaii and then onto Mexico yet still earn a large stress free income using just a laptop computer or iPad (I often fly via private Jet and even sometimes bring my dog Scooby Doo with me) Forget about going through some busy terminal, turning up hours before and having to go through security, we turn up 10 minutes before and walk straight on the plane and yes that is my dog in the cabin with me. I n fact, just picture the lifestyle you really want for yourself and your family right now paying cash for the car of your dreams for that multi million pound home travelling the world Business, First class or on a Private Jet. Or whatever your particular dream is. And keep those pictures in mind, because I am now about to open you up to something which can provide you with exactly what it is you want. So let me immediately begin by clarifying one thing from the outset, so you can be nice and relaxed about what now follows. I want you to understand that you really do NOT need any experience whatsoever. You just need some common sense and the willingness to learn and stick to the principles. As you have likely already read my Making Money From Financial Trading course, you have a good, basic understanding which will put you on the fast track. Through talking to many thousands of my students over the years, Ive come to realise that people WANT to make great money on the markets BUT . they dont want to learn a lot of complicated stuff they dont want to wade through textbooks or watch loads of boring DVDs where a trader drones on about chart patterns. And without personal support and advice, they quickly give up. They want the money that trading can give - but without all the stress, work and anxiety which often goes with trading. Guess what Thats what the Protg Programme Offers The system I developed which you are about to read is so easy I can teach it to you from the comfort of your own home thanks to the power of DVD, so you dont need to attend a seminar, however to make 100 sure that you understand my trading system I will fly to the UK were we can get together and have lunch (I am buying) and answer any questions for you face to face all at no extra cost to you. Its not compulsory to attend and I can easily show you how to use it from your own home to make a very large income for the rest of your life and how to do it in just 20-30 minutes a day. Not only educational but some entertainment value makes points which are easy to memorise and apply. I find the principles easy to understand and I am sure application of some will enhance my performance in everyday life as well as trading. Vanessa Greenfield As a newcomer to trading Vince is extremely thorough and transparent in explaining his methodology is available for advice and has a fascinating grasp of fundamentals and future trends Simon Hicks In fact, I will even set up a Live Trading Virtual Account for you. So as you go through my course, you can try out my Internet Financial Trading System WITHOUT risking a penny And youll be able to PROVE to yourself how easy it is (more on this in a moment). Watch live on screen, following my instructions, and see what kind of income you can make. So please DONT think this is only something I can do. Indeed, I think its VERY IMPORTANT before you read any further, that you realise that I myself am NOT some financial whiz-kid far from it. I really am a fairly ordinary bloke of average intelligence who never even went to college, let alone university. In fact, I left school at the age of just 16 to work as a junior at Nat West and if I recall, earned just 100 a week for a 12 hour working day . I built up from nothing and I am sure you are in a better position than I was when I started. You DONT need any previous financial trading experience as youll soon see, Ive shown my trading secrets to people who didnt even know what financial trading was. and those same people are now living dream lifestyles as moneyed-up financial traders. You DONT need any special (or expensive) equipment my office is wherever I am and my laptop computer or iPad . As long as you can access the Internet, you dont need any other equipment. You DONT need a lot of time remember it takes just 20 to 30 minutes a day (tops) to log onto the Internet and press a few buttons on your laptop or palm held computer to make 1,000 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 a week. And those 20 to 30 minutes can be at any time, day or night. Whenever suits you best. We are not day traders watching screens for 14 hours a day Here is a screen grab of my IG Index account from my iPad and that was an extra 20,000 I banked whilst on holiday in Las Vegas at the Wynn and Bellagio over Christmas 2014 using the exact technique I will show you. You DONT ever have to bury your head in trading charts intra-day graphs financial analysis or any other kind of boring spread sheet financial data. In fact, as strange as it might sound (with my proprietary trading secrets) The Less Experience You Have Of Financial Trading The Easier It Will Be For You To Make Money and less time you spend the more you make. In fact 4 hours a week should be the maximum time you spend doing this . That sounds wrong, doesnt it But hear me out on this as I explain the reason why my students and I have had such great success in the last few years whilst others have had financial famine. Bruce Lee is of course remembered (even worshipped) as the best human fighting machine the world has ever known. See although Bruce Lee was small in height (he measured just 58) and even though he weighed just 126 pounds (less than most adolescent Westerners) in a hand-to-hand, toe-to-toe fight He Routinely Wiped The Floor With Opponents Twice His Size And Weight. Even when he was up against multiple opponents. How was this possible Well, Bruce Lee quickly realised that in a no-holds-barred street fight Its Dangerous To Rely Upon Just One Style Of Fighting So Bruce Lee came up with his own unique fighting system ( JeetKune Do ) that combined the-best-of-the-best fighting techniques, from 26 different styles of human combat fighting. And so whatever kind of punch or kick an opponent threw at him Bruce Lee was instantly able to neutralise it and unleash a game over fight move (or moves) back. Okay, but what has this got to do with you making money from the financial markets Just like fighting -- when it comes to trading in the financial markets Its Dangerous To Rely Upon Just One Style Of Trading or just trading one market Especially in todays extremely volatile markets where the financial markets lash out at you with all kinds of vicious kicks and punches (metaphorically speaking, of course). Anyway, heres the point: Whereas most experienced financial traders only rely on one (or maybe two) types of financial trading (and take a serious financial bath when the markets turn against them) YOU will know how to trade on a multiple number of markets in a multiple number of trading styles. And so when one market turns against you you switch to another market or another trading style and Always Make Money Regardless Of How BAD One Or Two Particular Markets Get This is what the Bruce Lee secret is all about having multiple options in your trading attack. It makes sense, right After all, it always makes sense to have multiple options up your sleeve, whatever you do. But in todays extremely volatile financial markets its not just important to have multiple options its critical . Anyway this is where Ive got you covered. Because with my proprietary trading strategies, if the commodities market is taking a battering. Ill show you how to profit from the shares or the currency markets. Likewise, if share, commodities and currencies are all dropping in price like rocks off a cliff. Ill show you how to profit from trading on a downward trend in the markets. In other words, if you allow me to share all my proprietary trading secrets with you. You will always be able to ldquoRollrdquo with whatever the turbulent Markets throw at you amp make money regardless. Thats not to say youll never lose money. That would be stupid to expect. But heres the thing: If I had relied on just one (or two) styles of trading theres NO WAY I would now be sitting on a MULTI MILLION PROFIT over the last 3 years. Truth be known, I probably wouldnt have even made 110th of that. Do you want to know a disturbing little secret Any trading guru who is promoting a one-market-one-style trading system has to aggressively sell it to you. because. In Todays Rapidly Fluctuating Markets, 99 Of The Trading Gurus Are Losing Money Hand Over Fist Following Their Own Trading System Talk about the blind-leading-the-blind. And the only way they can consistently make the kind of income theyd like you to think they make is by aggressively hawking their trading system onto a gullible public. In the meantime. How Does Someone With No Trading Experience Become A Bruce Lee Of The Financial Markets How can someone (like you) turn whatever the financial markets throw at them into a profit By joining the Vince Stanzione Protg Programme In a nutshell, its a chance for you to be taken under my wing and have exclusive access to ME as well as all my propriety trading strategies and resources. These are the exact same resources and trading strategies I have developed over the last 10 years and have used every day to make myself a stress free income. What kind of trading strategies am I talking about Well obviously I cant go into all the details in this letter. But I can give you a quick glimpse into one of the trading strategies Ive been using. And that is. Buy, Sell Or Hold ANY Share, Currency Or Commodity In Just ONE Minute Sounds crazy, doesnt it Its not. Not when you have the one minute secret codes and know exactly what triggers to look for. In fact, Ill tell you whats crazy. Whats crazy is sitting for hours on end with your head buried in reams of market research, financial data or those confusing intra-day graphs. Who has time to do all that these days Of course you wont have to worry about any of that hard slog research. At least you wont, if you become a member of my protg programme. But perhaps youre wondering just how accurate the one minute software is. Well, get this: in less than one minute, I was ldquoalertedrdquo to a series of otherwise overlooked trades that went on to turn a 20,000 investment at the end of 2015 into well over 120,000 5 months later. In fact, some of these trades are still open as I write so the profits are still going up but do not copy them as I may have closed or even reversed the traders by the time you read this. The stocks included HMY, FCX, WYNN and Glencore (GLEN) to name a few. All these trades where picked up using my trading system and in many cases, we bought the same stock multiple times. We also lock in profits so if and when these high flyers come back to earth (as many times they do), we have taken a big chunk of the profits. Many times we turn positions around, so we may go short after a big run up or buy put options to profit from the moves down. Wynn Resorts (WYNN) and Netflix (NFLX) are two examples of companies I have profited from going up and then down. Statement below (SP means Short Position) I concentrate on US listed stocks for the simple reason that the market is much bigger and spreads are tighter. Of course via the US market, we can also trade companies from all over the world that are US listed such as Chinese internet stock Baidu or Finish telecom company Nokia, as well as 100s of Exchange Traded Funds which track markets including Singapore, Switzerland, Indonesia, China, Japan and Brazil, to name a few. Whilst we trade some UK and European markets, they are just too small. It makes sense to go for the low hanging fruit, yet every day I see many new traders (and some experienced ones) commit financial suicide trading markets which are just too difficult to make money in. The good news for you is you have me to guide you and stop you doing stupid things, as well as showing my members how to make money. I have saved my members millions and helped them avoid financial scams, while stopping them from buying financial products that are flawed from the outset. As a member of Vince Stanziones Platinum Protg Programme . you will never fall for any of the bogus financial trading black box robot systems being flogged on the Internet. Youll instantly be able to see through them for what they are which means no more getting ripped off. When you too have access to my proprietary trading systems, tools and resources all you do is follow the triggers exactly as I will show you. and within just a few weeks at the outside you can be receiving a stress free income that could dwarf anything you make at a regular job or business. And best of all: You can do it all without pressure. without strain. and without the horrendous overheads and red tape most business owners have to fight against on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, as a member of Vince Stanziones Platinum Protg Programme you wont have to try to figure anything out. If you want, you can just blindly copy my trading triggers whilst you get started so you can earn whilst you learn. Easy As 1 - 2 - 3 And heres something else to think about: Anyway, as you can imagine, no matter how many trading gurus you talk to no matter how many financial trading courses you take and no matter how many high-priced trading seminars or workshops you attend in your lifetime You Simply Can Not Find My Proprietary Trading Strategies Anywhere Else On Earth and get the support and insider know-how that I offer The ONLY way youll ever get all my trading secrets, systems and strategies is to register for Vince Stanziones Platinum Protg Programme and working alongside me for the next 12 months. Okay, lets quickly go over a few component parts of Vince Stanziones Platinum Protege Programme . COMPONENT 1: PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL WELCOME REVIEW: Once you have signed up contact me and I will go through your current investments and suggest the best brokerage accounts and trading strategies to suit your capital and investment objectives. I can put you in touch with my direct contacts at a major Swiss brokerage (one of the firms I use), the London office of the US broker that I have used for over 20 years who will fast track your application and help you with the forms required. COMPONENT 2: 12-MONTHS PRIVATE EMAIL MENTORING: You will have my private e-mail (normally reserved for my high-paying corporate clients and closest business associates) and, for an entire 12-months you can e-mail me any time you have a question or you get a little stuck trading. I always reply to my e-mails. And, barring illness or being away in a remote area etc. Ill reply to your e-mails within 24-hours and many times sooner. I dont employ trading assistants or a call centre in Mumbai. COMPONENT 3: TRADE CHECKER SOFTWARE: For the entire 12-months of the protg programme, you will have access to my trade checker software which works on major stock indices, commodities, currencies, bonds, major UK and US shares. As a backup, if you have a trade which youre unsure of, you can send me a message and I will double check it for you. By the way it works on any PC, MAC or even iPhoneiPad and needs no installation, downloading updates or setting up . as it works on our servers. You can log in via a secure site and you can use it from anywhere in the world. After the 12 months, you can carry on using this for just the nominal support fee. COMPONENT 4: ONGOING ACCESS TO AN EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS ONLY WEBSITE WHERE YOULL GET DETAILS OF THE EXACT TRADE(S) IM ANALYSING amp PLACING (AND WHY): You will get access to my private website (exactly the same one I use) which is password protected and is an online inner sanctum where Ill reveal my up-to-date trading analysis. commentary on the thinking behind the analysis. and. even the exact trades I myself will be making . So youll see exactly when I place my trade ( and why ) as well as exactly when I get out of my trade ( and why ). Of course not every trade you blindly copy will make you money. That would be impossible. But remember: my batting average speaks for itself Let me give you an example: back in December 2012, I started getting bullish on Hewlett Packard (HPQ) just as the media and public where calling it a dead a company. I bought cheap call options which allowed me to profit from the upside without taking a great risk. As soon as I did I posted a message on my site so my members could copy. I gave them the exact information and a screen grab from my own options account (talk about making it easy) all you had to do was type the options code in and Now you do not need to know anything about options as I do all the calculations for you I personally invested 16,300 but members could invest as little as 163 (110) Within less than 120 days HPQ went from 14.5 to 23 around 60. Not bad, but our options went up a staggering 242 - and most importantly whilst our profits were unlimited our loss was strictly limited to the option premium. But donrsquot take my word for it the actual real cash money paid out trade is on the statement below: and that was just one trade of many I will show some more in a moment. In the same update I also stated that I had bought Dell options, within 3 months DELL was taken over and my options went up over 130 You will have access to every message I have posted and every copy of my monthly newsletter from December 2006. This acts as a great library and resource of course you can also check out how accurate I have been. And on the subject of trades here are some of my 2015 - 2016 trades, these are real money trades. As its not fair to my current member to show all the details, I have cut off the names but you can see the actual profits each trade made. Trades marked with SP are short trades so I profited from falling prices. Here is the exact screen grab on how I updated my members that I had purchased shares in Dominos Pizza (NYSE:DPZ) you can check yourself and see how we have done but I made over 370,000 just on that one trade. COMPONENT 5: I WILL SET YOU UP WITH A LIVE VIRTUAL TRADING ACCOUNT: I will set up a virtual trading account so you can place virtual stock, options and Exchange Traded Funds deals for those that require spread betting. Its very easy to use. Easier than ordering a book from Amazon . Theres nobody you need to phone up and talk to. and. you can trade from your computer (or laptop. or even palm held computer) any time, day or night. You dont even need to risk any real money right away. In fact, I recommend you paper trade your first few trades to get a good feel for the system and. see the money you could have won This way, youll be a lot more confident when you trade with real money on the line. COMPONENT 6: MY EXACT SHARESCOPE SETTINGS Here is a screen grab of my new Sharescope settings. I have been working on this for around 12 months. All the programing has been done for you so those buy and sell arrows will appear automatically. I will also show you how to use this for shorter term trading as well and it works on Shares, FX and Commodities. If you can follow a UP and DOWN arrow then you can follow this. Just to be clear with this plug in you will know exactly when to buy and sell which totally removes the stress and guess work out of entering and more importantly exiting a trade. And of course, as soon as you register for Vince Stanzionersquos Protg Programme You Will Be Rush Shipped A Set Of The DVDs Of My Recent (April 2015) 4,997.00 Which (amongst other secrets) will show you: The magic number and letter that will get you in on the best performing stocks Type this number and letter into Google, hit News and you will see some of the best trades to make. I will show you how to do this in the DVDs. The accounting trick companies are using to boost their share price and how to profit from it Right now many US companies are boosting their share price using this accountancy trick, I will show you how to identify those stocks and I will also show you an Exchange Traded Fund that invests in these companies. As you will know over the last few years I have been bullish and made most of my money from stocks going up, however, do not think for one minute that I have bought into the fact that everything is rosy in the world - I have not. Remember I am the person that made serious money from the 20072008 meltdown such as Northern Rock, Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers and have no problems trading through market crashes and a major crisis. We have already seen big moves in currencies and commodities, at some stage a 15 to 20 correction in US stock markets is going to happen but just like we did in 20072008 we can profit from these moves. I will be going through some of the risks I see as will my guests and how to protect and profit from these moves. How to piggy back and invest with one of the worlds best hedge fund managers Normally you would need 5 million minimum to invest with this hedge fund, however, I will show you a legal loophole on how you can invest with this fund with as little as 1,000. I will show how to do it in just a few minutes. This fund manager made 40 in 2014 some hate him and may think he is arrogant but his results are outstanding. In fact even after his fees - clients have made 650 since 2004. This is a great way to profit from some of the biggest takeover and merger deals that are expected to happen in 2016 and 2017. In the UK the 2 coin has the inscription on the side STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS taken from a letter by Sir Isaac Newton to Robert Hooke, in which he describes how his work was built on the knowledge of those that had gone before him. If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. Now you can profit from standing on the shoulders of giants and make maximum profits in minimum time. New shorter term filters that act like magnets I will show you a system that has an 85 success rate which works like a magnet on US share prices I found that every time a share went above X amount it would reach Z amount shortly after. There is an amazing amount of psychology in the way shares are priced and how they act around certain prices. Its a bit like shops that price an item at 99p or 1.99p that 1p makes the price appear cheaper. I will give you my own personal settings and filters that will allow you to pull up a list of these opportunities. Why Humans make bad traders and how to profit from this Lets face it humans are just not very good at trading and most make the same mistakes over and over and allow human behaviour to get in the way of making money, however, by identifying these weaknesses and emotions I will show you how you can profit. I will show you how to cut the emotions out of your trading. You will make more money, spending less time with a lot less stress by using these secrets. How I turn losing trades into winning ones Many traders become disheartened when they are in a losing trade and want to keep holding it to try and get back even again, I will show you how many times my losing trades have been turned around into winning ones a good example is Netflix (NFLX) The last few years financial markets have been fairly stable and volatility has been low, however, this will not carry on for ever and already we are seeing more volatile markets, I will show you how to embrace and profit from these big spikes with strictly limited risk. As I stated earlier one of my accounts which started with just under US1 million now has a value of over US16 million which I am sure you will agree is a great return in less than 12 years but what is also fascinating is that I have made large gains from shares that I never purchased yet were magically credited into my account legally. I will show you exactly how to do this. And I will show you a lot more including updating you on my favourite investments. How to legally rig the global currency markets in your favour You may know that this is the market I started in back in 1985, so I know FX like the back of my hand. How to piggy-back on the ultra-secretive trades of the MULTI-BILLION POUND hedge fund managers How to use an automatic sniffer dog software to track where the real players in the markets are putting their money How to make money from commodities if their price goes up. and down The closely guarded secrets of the worlds most ruthless (and cunning) multi-millionaire traders How to beat-out 95 of the big dog Wall Street experts. and cash in like crazy Plus a whole lot more Because I want you to have every opportunity to succeed . I will also include three extra special bonuses which are not available anywhere else. EXCLUSIVE DVD FOOTAGE OF GLOBAL INVESTOR DR MARC FABER: Dr Faber is well known for his quotcontrarianquot investment approach and is one of the most respected guests on Bloomberg Television, with a massive following worldwide. His market calls have been extremely accurate - advising clients to sell stocks weeks before the 1987 crash. More recently, he foresaw the market meltdown but unlike many perma bears he went positive on stocks in March 2009 before the massive bounce. Dr Faber shares his current views and investment ideas for the next decade. Never one to sugar coat his views, youre going to get some amazing trading ideas and a true global prospective. His knowledge of the banking system and global markets is unique and he has an ability to explain complex investment ideas in an easy to follow and entertaining way. This is not some advanced hypothetical economics lecture its real information on whats happening right now that you can profit from. As well as the full presentation, I will also make sure you get a copy of all his notes and slides. This is a full 1 hour presentation and many clients pay well over 50,000 to hear his views. Filmed in April 2015 EXTRA BONUS 2: Jim Mellon is an Entrepreneur and fund manager. He is ranked 110th in The Sunday Times Rich List 2014 with a net worth of 800m. He made his fortune in the emerging markets in the 1990s. In 2005, he cofounded uranium miner UraMin with Stephen Dattels, with 100,000. It floated on Aim in 2006 and was acquired by Areva for 1.8bn a year later. Educated at Ampleforth, Jim Mellon read philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford before working in Asia and the US. He is the author, with Al Chalabi, of several books including Cracking the Code, which outlines investment opportunities in biopharma and his newest book Fast Forward, The Technologies and Companies Shaping Our Future looks at the winners and losers from the next wave of technology and robotics. Jim is a true visionary and has a knack of investing in the next big thing he gives some great ideas in his presentation and as a bonus I will also include a hardback version of his book Fast Forward which is a must read. Jeff Hirsch Using Seasonality trading in Stocks, FX amp Commodities Jeff is editor-in-chief of the Stock Traders Almanac, Seasonal Sector Trades, and the Almanac Investor eNewsletter. He is the author of The Little Book of Stock Market Cycles (Wiley, 2012) and Super Boom: Why the Dow Will Hit 38,820 and How You Can Profit from It (Wiley, 2011). A 25-year Wall Street veteran he took over from founder Yale Hirsch in 2001. Mr. Hirsch regularly appears on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, BNN, Yahoo Finance and many other financial media outlets. A devout market historian, old school market technician and fundamental analyst, Jeff uncovers ripe trading and investment opportunities by zeroing in on securities where all three disciplines line up. You will get his full 1 hour presentation and accompanying notes. Extra Bonus all my footage from my previous Maximum Profits in Minimum Time Live course I will send you the full footage of this extra DVD set, here are just a few of the secrets I shared with the group What my 5 year study into investors and financial spread betting revealed and how you can profit and learn from my best students. The 10 secrets financial bookmakers dont want you to know. The next areas that are going to boom that no one is talking about. If you have followed my success, you will know how good I am at spotting trends and the next big thing. I will update you where I am investing now. The next areas that are about to crash. Unlike most, I am more than happy to make money on the downside, as I have explained - overall I can make money faster from falling markets. I will explain the markets that are ripe for a fall and how to profit from them for maximum profit with limited risk. How to find out what the best hedge fund managers are buying and selling. I will show you how to track the holdings of one of the sharpest names in the Hedge Fund industry and how to profit by following his trades. Anyway, heres the bottom-line: All together youll be getting all the tools, systems, and personal help (from me) to start building your own FINANCIAL FREEDOM Think about what you could do with an extra 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 each week. Maybe youll buy a top-of-the-line sports car . maybe youll move into a luxury 5-bedroom house with swimming pool and tennis courts . or. perhaps (like me) youll choose to spend most of the year soaking up the sun around the Mediterranean . After all, when youre pulling in 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 every week, you dont need to work a job or have your life dictated to by other people. Instead, you live your life on your own terms and your time is yours to do with as you please. Spend just 20 to 30 minutes a day trading. and. the rest of the day. Youll Have TOTAL FREEDOM To Do Exactly What You Want Theres no rush, either. Because when you make your money as a lone wolf financial trader, you wake up when you want. It doesnt matter if you get up at 11 oclock in the morning. You choose. You may even choose to take your laptop to a coffee shop. relax into a comfy chair. sip your coffee. and take care of your trading business in less time than it takes to finish your coffee. Then you can read the newspaper at your leisure. And the rest of the time is yours to do as you please. What will you do with your free time Maybe youll play golf. or tennis. or go to the gym. Maybe youll take up a hobby or interest youve just never got round to like maybe painting or writing or sailing or flying lessons or whatever. Again, you choose. What about going to a track day racing super cars What about going to the Monaco Grand Prix in VIP style And when people see you driving around in your brand new fancy car. or hear about all the exotic places youre either just coming back from or going to. theyre going to want to know what youre doing. Tell them you trade the financial markets. Youll get instant respect and admiration. But perhaps best of all is when you bump into one of those annoying idiots you used to know that was always flaunting their wealth and youll be able to let it drop that You Now Out-Earn Them By A Country Mile Then watch their jaw drop. It will be a moment to savour. But were getting ahead of ourselves. Because listen: even if youre already got your credit card ready to sign-up to Vince Stanziones Platinum Protg Programme You May NOT Be Accepted Well, for starters, there are 4 strict conditions you must meet before I will even consider mentoring you. CONDITION 1 . You must sign a non-disclosure form not to leak any of the proprietary trading information I will be sharing, even if you get bribed by another so-called trading guru. Doing so will result in severe legal action. You must also agree that this information is for your personal account only, no reselling or using the information for friends, family or your own clients, if you want that then contact me about my corporate account arrangements. CONDITION 2: You must have at least 5,000 (US7,000) to trade with. So if a 5,000 (US7,000) stake constitutes hurt money to you or you have to scrape together the money from friends or family then please Definitely Do NOT Attempt To Sign-Up For My Protg Programme. CONDITION 3 . You must commit to my protg programme for the full 12-months . In other words, if you have any doubts whatsoever whether or not I am the right person to mentor you or you have concerns over whether or not the protg programme is right for you then. again. please do not attempt to sign-up. Im not joking. Its a 12 month minimum commitment if youre not committed or entirely serious, please dont waste my time . If youre the sort of person that cannot make a 12 month commitment or youre going to get upset because you have a few losing trades then really, youre not the right person for me to take on. CONDITION 4: You must be over 40 years of age otherwise you will need to prove to me youre mature enough to do this. Whilst I will consider those that are under 40 years of age I really favour those that are over 40 and preferably over 50 why Well my style of trading is not day trading, looking at lots of flashing indicators. If youre looking for excitement then go elsewhere. Trading and investing is a bit like driving a car why are the premiums for young drivers so high Why do many insurance companies favour over 50s I have found (and I have been teaching trades now for over 14 years) that the over 40s and over 50s have a maturity, patience and financial stability which has made them ideal students and have achieved excellent results. By the way my oldest member is 92. My youngest member is 28. Vince Stanziones Protg Programme is definitely NOT for everyone. And I suspect a lot of people reading this are going to be severely disappointed. Especially since Im Almost Certain To Turn Away The Majority Of People Who Try To Sign-Up Simple only a strictly limited number of people will be accepted onto the programme. And to be honest, even if you do meet all the conditions above and even if youre itching to sign-up as a member chances are You Will Disqualify Yourself So you see My Vince Stanzione Protg Programme is not cheap. Well, since you could be making 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 a week as a member of my protg programme theres a very real chance youll be in profit to the tune of around 100,000 by the end of the 12-month programme. One of my current students David Cox made 124,550 in the first 3 months. Thanks for your course and ongoing support via website and email, my trading is doing extremely well. I have achieved 750 growth over the last 24 months in my spread betting ventures. Absolutely brilliant, thank you And so I dont think its unfair of me to charge 12,000 for a spot on my protg programme. After all, you could realistically make back 12,000 (and more) inside the first few months of the programme. But then I remembered back to when I first started trading and there was no way I could have afforded 12,000. So what Ive set a one-time fee of 6,997 . And I think thats very reasonable. But, then I realised a lot of people are still hurting financially at the moment due to the weak economic situation If you show me a serious financial commitment today Some Of Your Membership Fee Easy. It means if you commit to just 2997 today (plus the 147 per month membership fee which is fixed for the next 12 months) You Do Not Have To Pay Me The 4,000 Balance Until (And Unless) You Make 40,000 Profit and you can pay that straight out of your trading account and in to mine Thats how confident I am in the proprietary information, strategies and support I will be sharing with you in my protg programme. I am working for YOU for 13 a day. For just over 13 a day or the price of a cup of coffee and breakfast (if youre lucky in most cafes), you have access to my 30 years of my know-how, my personal support, my trading tools, updates and my network of contacts, everything to put the odds in your favour and to make sure youre in the small and elite First Class group of my clients. I have followed Vince for about a year now. I like the down to earth approach, no BS If you dont feel well, see a doctor. If you want to learn trading see Vince Stanzione: go to the expert And because of my super-generous offer -- its almost certain more people are going to try to sign-up than there are places available. Think about it my results and track record are some of the best in the industry so you either see the value of what Im offering you here, or you dont. Lets be honest if your serious about making money then 2,997 is really not a big investment considering that this could pay dividends for the rest of your life. If you want to fly economy and pay economy prices then really you do not need me. And just to be clear I am also including a place at my exclusive Financial Trading Lunch in London where we can get together and I will answer your questions and I share my up to date trading ideas . The most important investment you can make is in yourself - Anything that improves your own talents nobody can tax it or take it away from you Good or bad times, you too can make money Whatever happens in the economy and global events (no matter how downright bad it gets). the people who get on my protg programme are going to prosper. and prosper BIG-TIME over the next 2-3 years and beyond. Remember, I make money in financial markets regardless of calm or catastrophic conditions and profited in 2008 when many most were taken to the cleaners. In 2009, we made money from the rebound in stocks in 2010 we made money from the surge in commodities and in 2011 and 2012, thanks to some forward thinking, we made money from bonds, the commodities sell off and the big surge in healthcare stocks. As you have seen from these examples given I am happy to profit from up and down moves. In the years I have been trading, Vince has proved that he is the only person that I have 100 faith and trust, I have received extremely high quality information that I can put complete assurance. I feel that I have the best coach any amount of money would buy. quot But you cant dither about. Because of the intensive personal nature of my 12-month protg programme, Im only going to work with a very limited number of students and I am only in London a few days a year so the live lunch places are extremely limited . What that means is if you want in on Vince Stanziones Platinum Protege Programme youve got to act fast . Heres What You Need To Do Right Now: Actually, its very simple. Just click here this will take you directly to a secure from to reserve your place or click below ldquoThanks to Vince I am sitting on a profit of over 300,000 since April 2015rdquo ldquoAfter making several thousands from spread betting I joined Vince Stanzione millionaire trader program and since then my life has absolutely transformed. It enhanced what I firstly learned from the spread betting manual and fine tunes a lot of areas, you also get a multi-millionaire mentoring you all the way along and answering any questions that you have and supporting you step by step. You get to follow his exact trades and all the niche areas that there are to making what seems to be huge amounts of money. When it comes to value for money I would certainly say that is undoubtedly worth it. 2015 has been a rough year for banks and the elite investors that being hedge funds, but thanks to Vince I am sitting on a profit of over 300,000 since April 2015 which is increasing towards the year end and so the system pays for itself over and over. I also run an intense business but trading takes up about 20 minutes of my time every day so it something that anyone can do part time. His integrity and success is very sought after within the industry, he truly is a master investor and I would highly recommend anyone that wants to improve their life and transform their financial position to delay no further and join his program today. rdquo Click on that link immediately if youre serious about me personally mentoring you for the next 12-months in the strategies that have made me a person fortune over the last 10 years. Wait even another minute and you may find that all the places have already been taken and youll miss out on your ONLY CHANCE to have me personally help you make 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 per week. So if youre serious about changing your financial situation in a massive way -- and youre ready to go P. S. Something else thats important: Stay on my protg programme for the minimum 12 months period and be mentored by me, work with me every month using my tools, make the trades I give, ask for my support, read the monthly newsletters, use the systems I teach and if you havent made back more than the fee after our year working together and using my trading strategies show me your statements And you still get to KEEP the workshop DVDs (which cost people 4,997.00). In other words -- there is no way you can possibly lose with this offer . If yoursquore serious about me personally mentoring you in the strategies that have made me a person fortune over the last 10 years then go to millionairetrader. co. uk right now and reserve your place. P. P.S. Remember as it stands, I can only accept a strictly limited number of people onto my protg programme. Therefore, if you wait even another minute, theres a very real possibility that your registration will be declined because other more motivated people got in before you. Dont let someone else steal your place on the protg programme P. P.P. S.One last thing . I know even with my trading success record. my credentials. and cant lose offer. youre probably still somewhat sceptical that you can make money from home with my trading strategies. And I totally understand. So below are a few more real testimonials from people just like you who have already made money by following my trading strategies: Here Are a Few More Extracts From The Hundreds of Letters I Hold in Case You Are Still Undecided All the comments used in this letter are 100 genuine letters or emails and comply with Section 14.1 of the Advertising Standards Authority code of conduct. Just a few lines to thank you the excellent seminar. After the first session on Friday I placed 2 bets during the break with what I had learnt. By the end of day one I had made just over 2,000.00. By the end of Monday thanks to the 300 point drop on the Dow I made a further 3,000.00. So I went from knowing little about trading at 9.30am Friday to making just over 5,000 total profit tax free by the close of business on Monday. To say I am delighted is an understatement. Attending this event was the most profitable and rewarding thing I have ever done, and I look forward to receiving the videos in due course so I can review and continue to learn. Ajit Singh, Leicester You wont throw money away if you attend this course. It is really worth the money and time with lots of information. You will gain a lot of information which is not in most trading books or manuals I have followed Vince for many years now and I am very happy to report that he continues to impress with his knowledge, candour and delivery. The information can be back dated and checked and proves very successful on a percentage basis. Wishing you continued success quotVince helps you to see the wood for the trees. He is logical and unambiguous. He keeps it simple, is genuine and keeps the faith, offering us the world if we desire it. He is refreshingly visionary. God bless him and preserve himquot A truly life changing day which I cannot wait to put into action. Vince spent time on the psychology of trading, identifying all the mistakes I have been making. He then set out some clear strategies and tactics which I will take immediate action on. A trading day with Vince Stanzione really is a life changing experience. The information and insights into how to lead a life of prosperity are simply second to none. Although the main reasons for people attending his seminars are about making money in financial markets. He also teaches you that true wealth is not just about money but it is about achieving the life you desire. The trading material provided is both informative and easy to follow for traders of all experiences, whether they are beginners or have traded the markets for several years. There is something here for everyone and I cannot thank him enough for the opportunities he has now provided me with. Leading edge insight and profitable strategies for the independent trader. No one else covers so many instruments in such a simple yet profitable way. Love the way you trade and methods. Very genuine and honest Removes the stress from trading. Cant wait to get started. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks Vince. Absolutely thoroughly useful information. I will be using this information to ensure that I have another successful investing year. You provide the precise tools and strategies in an easy to understand how to format, that anyone can use to explode their wealth. Vince, thanks again. Using your exact strategies I have been able to increase my personal wealth by over 100 in the last year alone. Roll on next year Very inspirational thank you. Thanks for the reminder that its the medium to long term where the money is. Its so easy to forget that. Inspirational to meet someone like Matt someone who went to one of your seminars and is now so successful. Makes me realise that it really is possible for me too. Excellent day, I have been following your system for 12 months now and I am up. I have been an active trader for 5 years now and I have made every mistake you warn about. I am now on track (thanks to you). And I want to go to the next level. Very focussed, and good to hear how financial brokers work I will be ditching my one. I have more confidence now to trade and develop simple systems rather than getting dragged into market spin. Always wanted to get exposure to commodities and China, thank you for the information. The most informative day I have ever spent, I have no doubt that I will trade on a different level in the future. Vinces training is focussed directly to the topics and very easy to grab by using several illustrations or examples. I have been trading through spread-betting already and with this current training, its like a refresher course and a build up upon what or the little I know. I can confidently say that todays training has broaden my horizon on commodities, currencies and Exchange Traded Funds. Will recommend it to anyone who wants or intends to trade. I am a new trader. The concepts that I knew something about because of Vinces previous explanations are now far more clear. Overall and excellent day that has made me more confident and relaxed. In the years I have been trading, Vince has proved that he is the only person that I have 100 faith and trust, I have received extremely high quality information that I can put complete assurance. I feel that I have the best coachany amount of money would buy. quot Would thoroughly recommend anyone starting out in the financial world to attend one of these days. Most could save years in cutting out mistakes that typical novices make. The presentation is superb reference for long term traders who wish to refresh and re-evaluate their technical knowledge and overall portfolios. I have followed Vince for about a year now. I like the down to earth approach, no BS If you dont feel well, see a doctor. If you want to learn trading see Vince Stanzione: go to the expert Trading is easy when taught by Vince. Do it and you will come out tops. quotAs a doctor I dont have the time to day trade. Ive done really well in the last 4 years following Vinces recommendations. In fact, I tend to lose money when I dont listen to his advice. Highly recommended to other health professionalsquot quotI like the simplicity of Vinces approach and plan to simplifying mine. Very pleased to have something on psychology as I believe this is a key area for me. quot I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Itrsquos important to note that none of above had trading experience before they became my students they all came from non-investing or trading backgrounds, but were involved in professions and being business owners such as vets, dentists, doctors, accountants, florist owner, London back cab driver, farmer, BA pilot, lawyers, and even a gentleman that owns a remote salmon fish farm. Jean Albert 87 year old trading student with Vince Stanzione If yoursquore serious about me personally mentoring you in the strategies that have made me a person fortune over the last 10 years then click here right now and reserve your place. U. K. Government Required Disclaimer You are reminded that the price of shares and the dividends thereon can go down as well as up. None of the following contents should be construed as an invitation to buy or sell securities or open spread betting positions, shares or any other financial trading product. Futures, CFD, Margined Foreign Exchange trading, Covered Warrants, Traded Options and Spread Betting carries a high level of risk to your capital. A key risk of leveraged trading is that if a position moves against you, the customer, you can incur additional liabilities far in excess of your initial margin deposit. Only speculate with money you can afford to lose. Futures, CFD, Margined Foreign Exchange trading and Spread Betting may not be suitable for all customers, therefore ensure you fully understand the risks involved and seek independent financial advice if necessary. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Any securities or financial products discussed are by way of example only and are not an invitation to buy or sell. Vince Stanzione, First Information and his agents may have a holding or open position on some of the financial markets discussed in this letter. By featuring specific cases or client testimonials on this site, we do not imply or guarantee that you will receive similar results. The earnings show in this letter are for indication only and factors such as starting capital and market conditions over the next 12 months will determine actual results. The program relies heavily on the skill and experience of Vince Stanzione, in the event of severe illness or his death it would be highly likely that the program would suffer adversely. Vince Stanzione and First Information are NOT regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and do not give specific investment advice. U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Sie müssen sich der Risiken bewusst sein und bereit sein, sie zu akzeptieren, um in die Futures - und Optionsmärkte zu investieren. Dont Handel mit Geld, das Sie nicht leisten können, zu verlieren. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to BuySell futures or options. Es wird keine Vertretung gemacht, dass ein Konto eine Gewinne oder Verluste erzielen wird, die denen ähnlich sind, die auf dieser Website diskutiert wurden. Die bisherige Wertentwicklung eines beliebigen Handelssystems oder einer Methodik ist nicht unbedingt ein Hinweis auf zukünftige Ergebnisse. 2011-2016 V Stanzione, Unit 12 Tilbury Close, Caversham, READING RG4 5JF UK. All rights reservedThere are many forex traders who make huge profits yet many dont have a college education and many dont spent all day trading what separates them from the rest is their mindset. Trading is a combination of method and mindset and this is what this article is all about. The key to market success is: Sound Simple Method Executed with Discipline Trading success If you cant execute a method with discipline you really have no method in the first place but its much harder to do than most traders think. If you dont think having the correct mindset is crucial to forex trading success then think about this fact. 100 years ago 90 of traders lost and this figure still remains the same today. Think about it this ratio has remained the same despite all the advances in forecasting, software news sources and the internet the ratio remains the same. The reason for this is trading success is down mostly to mindset, human nature is constant and it will remain the same in 100 years time lets look At getting the right mindset in more detail. 2. Work Smart Not Hard Learning a method is straightforward and anyone can do it as the following example shows. If you read the story of the the turtles ( see our other articles ) you will read how a group of people who had never traded before, learnt to do so in 14 days and went on to make millions. They did this by working smart, NOT hard and only learning what they had to - no filler or information for information sake. In many jobs you get paid for the effort you put in. When you trade FOREX you earn your reward simply for being right. In conclusion you dont need to work hard you need to work smart The key to trading success is to have confidence in what you are doing and your method, this leads to discipline and currency trading success. You hear traders talk a lot about discipline being a key to success in currency trading - but you dont hear them talk so much about confidence but its a vital ingredient of trading success. To have confidence, you need to understand exactly how and why a forex trading strategy works and will continue to work. If you have confidence, you can acquire the key trait that most traders lack. Discipline is the key to forex trading success - If you dont trade your method with discipline you dont have a method PERIOD. Its not as easy to trade in a disciplined fashion as many traders believe as when money is on the line trading a method when it suffers a period of losses is hard mentally. Any trader can learn to trade but not many traders get the correct mindset to succeed and this has been the case throughout trading history. Success Comes From Within The first reason is that most traders simply cannot accept responsibility for their actions so they try and buy success - but they dont fully understand why the method works and cant obtain confidence and discipline and fail. If you want to become a successful forex trader you have to accept you are totally responsible for what you do and no one else. Build a simple robust trading system you understand, have confidence in and trade with discipline. It sounds easy, but few traders are prepared to work hard in the right areas and most wont accept responsibility for their actions. The result of this is losses Success comes from within and you can do it if you want to if you dont you will probably fail.
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